Windows 98 magic dosbox

Description > Windows 98 magic dosbox

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Finally, tracks are limited to 16384 for large drives for some reason. If you have some spare hardware with a hard disk who's contents you don't care about, feel free to test this program on it and let me know if you find any problems. How to enable the emulation. At least for me using the win32 build. A more than useful addition to Dosbox! I don't actually have a copy of 95. I know that 95 will probably work better, but I'm just wondering. Well plenty of people had their copy up the last time I checked. I have absolutely no idea what malice Windows 95 could ever read from a successful 512-byte read from the boot sector to claim bullshit like that. Since Windows Winvows fails to attempt any other commands, those commands are all the only ones implemented so far.

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